Sunday, June 12, 2011

Igigi Me!

Ladies! No longer do we have to hide in dowdy, tent-like monstrosities! No more being grateful for finding something, anything that fits! With Igigi, we are able to find many things that fit perfectly, and allow us to show off our assets!

Igigi, by Yuliya Raquel, is true to its slogan! Her clothes are sexy and sophisticated and she offers her clothing in sizes 12-32.  Her line consists of wedding attire, dresses, separates, and accessories! How refreshing to find someone who believes in offering quality, beautiful clothing! Another great trait about Igigi, is that these clothes are designed for different body types.  Just click on the item, and it will show what body types it fits best.  They offer 7 different body types to choose from, with helpful descriptions to help you figure out which body type you are.  Igigi is a breathe of fresh air! Now, the only problem you will have is deciding on which dress to wear!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Thick thoughts...bumper stickers..really?!?!?

Today, I was driving behind a BMW.  Ironically, the BMW had quite a few bumper stickers on it.  The one that caught my eye was, "I love my BMW, No FAT chicks!" Really? That's what you're going to put on your car? The man kept looking in his side mirror...perhaps he was starting to feel the laser death rays shooting from my eyes, perhaps.  After sharing this incident, my good friend suggested that I look for it on the web, as I did not get a picture of it.  Thinking that there would be a good shot that it would turn up in the search, I gave it a whirl.  I was bombarded by no fat chick bumper stickers,t-shirts, and t-shirts for your dogs.  I did not realize that this niche market had become a raging empire.  The bumper sticker that stood out to me the most was this one

Wow, that's some real forward thinking right there.  Don't worry...I have a feeling that natural selection will take care of itself.