Monday, November 19, 2012

Calvin Klien Ain't No Friend of Mine...Or Are They?

In the 1980s, perennial hip hop group Run DMC famously noted in a song of theirs, that "Calvin Klein ain't no friend of mine..."
In the 1980s that was true.  Hip Hop and the establishment were not friends.  But, in the 1980s a lot of things--the threat of nuclear war, Parachute Pants, and mullets, were also true.
But, we live in a new age.  Lil' Wayne is doing commercials for Mountain Dew, Diddy and Jay Z have their own liquor labels, and Dr. Dre has his own high end headphones.  I think it's safe to safe that hip hop and the establishment like each other now.
This new age has also allowed Calvin Klein to get cozy with curvy women and women of all sizes.  Look at these new additions from Calvin Klein:

A few short years ago, I wouldn't have been able to write this because Calvin Klein wasn't offering clothing for curvy women.  These are fabulous additions to the wardrobe, which make Calvin a friend of ours.

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